Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sexual Harassment On College Campuses - 1777 Words

Sexual Harassment on College Campuses The issue of sexual harassment on college campuses is an issue today that I feel is very important to look at. Many young men and woman go off to school to get an education maybe even to get away from issues at home and of course have fun at the same time. Sexual harassment gets over looked by many people when they come to college. It s thought to be oh it won t happen to me that s the thought that gets young woman and in some cases men in trouble. Sexual harassment or assault isn t just an issue that can occur at parties. The harassment can be an issue even in a classroom. It s a problem all over the United States , and across the world as well. The only way to address sexual harassment and violence is through the implementation of sexual assault policies by colleges and universities. It has also been noted even with policies, the assault still occurs. The American Association of University Woman reported in 2005 that 62% of female college students report incidents of sexual ha rassment at their university. ( Marshall, Dalyot, Galloway, P. 276) It was also stated in a report that the real number of incidents may be higher, given that 10% of students never report their incidents to administration or faculty members. Sexual harassment can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. (Marshall, Dalyot, Galloway, P.278) In 2010, the DOEShow MoreRelated The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesThe Prevalence of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses One night, â€Å"Amy,† a student at State, was hanging out with some friends in her room. â€Å"A bunch of people were there, and one guy I didn’t know was obviously drunk and kept asking me out. I tried to brush him off, and didn’t take it seriously because he was drunk. I left to go to sleep. â€Å"He followed me to my room and kept banging on my bedroom door, trying to push it open and asking me to talk to him. I talked to him for a little while justRead MoreRape Culture Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesRape culture is prevalent on all college campuses, and many fail to realize this and what rape culture is. It is in the party scene, athletics, in dorm rooms, and everywhere else around campus. It is the acceptance of sexual jokes, saying â€Å"she was asking for it because of what she was wearing,† not taking sexual assault seriously, and so much more. Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popularRead MoreSexual Assault On College Campuses1441 Words   |  6 PagesSexual Violence on College Campuses Among female college students, 23% said they experienced some form of unwanted sexual contact ranging from kissing, to touching, to rape. All of these females said it was carried out by force or threat of force, or while they were incapacitated because of alcohol or drugs. This data was collected from a survey taken by 150,000 students from 27 different Universities. (Wallace, Kelley, 2105) Sexual assault is sexual contact or behavior that happens without theRead MoreAcquaintance Rape And The College Social Scene1595 Words   |  7 PagesAcquaintance Rape and the College Social Scene In Acquaintance â€Å"Rape and the College Social Scene,† the authors, Sally K. Ward, Kathy Chapman, Ellen Cohn, Susan White and Kirk Williams, main purpose was to report on a study they performed of the cases of sexual assaults at a specific college campus. The article provides estimates of the rate of acquaintance rape, recounting the situations surrounding the acquaintance rape, and people working toward making policies against this type of aggressionRead MoreWhat Really Is Sexual Harassment?1281 Words   |  6 Pagesreally is Sexual Harassment? Sexual Harassment can happen anywhere, whether it is in the workplace, school, or just in a public area. But as for many colleges across the country it is becoming a problem for most students and faculty. Sexual harassment on campus has been more serious than ever and far more dominant than the of charges would indicate. Many are confused by the definition of sexual harassment people consider it having different meanings than others. One may think sexual harassmentRead MoreEssay On Title IX807 Words   |  4 Pagesand advocating for better representation for those accused of sexual assault and misconduct. In 2011 the Department of Education released a â€Å"Dear Colleague† letter aimed at reminding educators of a fact established by the Supreme Court: under Title IX, schools much ensure survivors of sexual assault can stay in school and learn safely and notified colleges and university that the federal government was going to be aggressive on sexual misconduct. However, under DeVos’s new ruling the federal governmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Assault On College Campuses812 Words   |  4 Pagesthink that violence on college and university campuses is rare and view their campus to be a home away from home. However, Nationwide, 17 percent of college students indicated they had experienced some form of violence or harassment in the previous year ( The various types of violence that occur on campus include harassment, stalking, vandalism, physical assault, sexual assault, and otherRead MoreSexual Assault And Sexual Harassment1841 Words   |  8 Pagesthe â€Å"Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights Act of 1991.† This act was signed into law in 1992. This book in a continuation of what still needs to be done to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment on college campuses. This book covers why college institutions handle sexual assault poorly and the consequence of their negligence. To do this subject justice they focus on the following questions: 1. What is the definition of sexual assault? 2. How often, who and where do sexual assaultsRead MoreAs I Was Scrolling Through My Facebook Feed, Ignoring Political1126 Words   |  5 Pagessomething caught my eye. It was a video of students reading their college acceptance letters, I clicked on the video thinking it would put a smile on my face and give me hope for the new generation. I was proved wrong, due to a powerful twist in the video. In the college acceptance letter, the students read about the 1 in 5 chance that they would be raped in college, and how their university would do nothing about it (Facts about Sexual Violence). This did not put a smile on my face, because it broughtRead MoreSexual Assault And Sexual Harassment1873 Words   |  8 Pagesco-authored The Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights Act of 1991. President George H. W. Bush signed this act was signed into law in 1992. This book in a continuation of what still needs to be done to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment on college c ampuses. This book covers why college institutions handle sexual assault poorly and the consequence of their negligence. To do this subject justice they focus on the following questions: 1. What is the definition of sexual assault? 2. How

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams - 1967 Words

Amanda Wingfield in the play, The Glass Menagerie, written by Tennessee Williams, was portrayed as a distraught southern belle trying to control the lives of her children. In The Glass Menagerie Amanda is the matriarch of her small family who appears at first to be a woman who cared about her children’s futures- that is before she becomes so overbearing that she started to hinder her children’s future. Amanda was a single mother who could never grasp reality. The Glass Menagerie was a memory play that told of a family trapped in destructive patterns. After being abandoned by her husband sixteen years prior, Amanda became trapped between two completely different worlds; worlds of illusion and reality. It seemed like when the world†¦show more content†¦It was her devotion to her children that led her to live her life through her two children. Amanda’s incapability to accept truth, her determination to her children and her inability to escape her past , were some of her flaws that were responsible for the tragedy, comedy and theatrical flair in her character. Amanda’s incapability to accept the truth distanced her from her children as well as from reality. Amanda’s way of communicating with her children was to tell them what to do and expect that they would do it. When her husband deserted her, she found herself faced with an empty and meaningless life. She began to fabricate things with which to fill her life of boredom. Amanda tried greatly to mold the lives of her adult children to be an American success story through nagging and giving the children false optimism. An example of false optimism that she would give to Tom was â€Å"Rise and Shine!† Amanda would say this when she would wake Tom up in the morning. This to Tom was like someone taking their long fingernails and scrapping them on a chalkboard because he hated his life and wished that he had a different life. Amanda’s constant and per sistent nagging pushed Tom away from her to the point where he would go to the movies every night to get away from her. Amanda’s annoying ways made Tom more interested in an unrealistic way of life from the movie screen than dealing with his ownShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams985 Words   |  4 Pageshardly catch it going. ¨ This quote by the author of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, describes both The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, and the life of Tennessee Williams himself, for whom memories played a large role in his life. Within the play, many parallels can be drawn between the life of Williams and the life of Tom, the main character, such as a disdain for factory work. In addition, several characters in The Glass Menagerie have a difficult time fitting into the roles that theirRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay940 Words   |  4 PagesTennessee Williams was a renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning playwriter for his n umerous plays throughout his career. One of such plays is The Glass Menagerie. After perfecting his play for many years, The Glass Menagerie was first introduced to Broadway on March 31, 1945. As a young writer, Williams lived vicariously through his plays. Throughout this play in particular, there are several allegories that pertain to Williams life. Although Williams had a relatively happy childhood, his life changedRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams986 Words   |  4 PagesTennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, is a classic drama about a young man who is tired of his dull and boring existence. Tom, the main character, struggles to deal with his family, who is apparently holding him back in life. With the use of powerful writing techniques, Williams is able to captivate his audience and create a play that has stood the test of time. An excellent writing technique employed by Williams that contributes to The Glass Menagerie’s success is his use of plot. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams932 Words   |  4 Pages THE GLASS MENAGERIE Name Instructor Institution Course Date The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams, the author in the play †The Glass Menagerie† that is based on his life that presents characters that, as caught animals in an cage, live in woeful states and just wish to unravel themselves from this state (Fisher, 2010). The primary clash in the story emerges through their longing to encounter a different world, but their condition opens them to life s unforgiving realities. LifeRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1249 Words   |  5 Pagesthe outside world The Glass Menagerie is very interesting because William s play relates to alot of people and their situations, people can learn alot from it alot whether they connect to Amanda and her past or to Laura and her lack of confidence and being in a world of her own or to Tom and his internal conflict about abandoning his family or staying with them. Laura s life is all about her glass menageries what happens when her glass unicorn breaks? What happens when a gentlemanRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1619 Words   |  7 PagesIsolation is prevalent in â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† by Tennessee Williams. This is presented in symbols such as blue roses and the glass unicorn, for they are imagined objects and only existent in another fantasy world. Williams incorporates such arcane symbols to draw out his characters, Amanda, Laura, and Tom, and how they cope with confinement. Most importantly, the symbols of the play represent how isolation debilita tes them psychologically in an attempt to connect with reality. The jonquils representRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee William1014 Words   |  5 PagesIn the play â€Å"The Glass Menagerie† of Tennessee William, he wrote a drama play to emphasize readers about the life is at a standstill the Wingfield family. Through of the Wingfield family, he uses many symbols which represent many things, but the important main symbolization is fire escape that shows three main characters; Tom Wingfield, his fire escape is the way out of Amanda and Laura. Amanda Wingfield, hope gentlemen callers to enter their lives, and Laura Wingfield, who wants in her own worldRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams, born Thomas Lanier Williams, wrote The Glass Menagerie, a play which premiered in Chicago in 1944. This award winning play, autobiographical in nature, represented a time in which Williams felt the obligation of his responsibilities in regards to the care of his family. Robert DiYanni, Adjunct Professor of Humanities at New York University, rated it as, â€Å"One of his best-loved plays...a portrayal of loneliness among characters who confuseRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay876 Words   |  4 PagesIn Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, there is a collection of glass animal figurines that belong to Laura. Laura uses those figurines to escape her reality. The â€Å"glass menagerie† is also a metaphor because all of the characters have a metaphorical glass menagerie that they use to escape their reality. Tom escapes his reality by going to the movies, drinking, and writing poetry. Tom says, â€Å"I go to the movies because – I like adventure†¦ something I don’t have much of at work† (Williams 33)Read MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams867 Words   |  4 Pagesdraw the line between getting what you want and doing what you are obligated to do? In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the main characters are torn between fulfilling their desires and aligning with their role in society. On the surface, Amanda Wingfield plays the role of a caring mother that would do anything in her children’s best interest. However, according to the play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†, you should never be fooled by the â€Å"Illusion of the truth.† She indeed values her children’s

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Killer Angels Book Review Free Essays

I believe that the author wrote this book because he wanted people to view the Battle of Gettysburg from not Just the view point that we receive in our textbooks but from different points of views so that we may interpret the battle as a whole instead of bits and pieces. This book, in my opinion, was written for both informative and entertainment for those who enjoy learning about history and the Civil War. This novel began with a person spying on the Union army then goes back to report o General Longest that he had found that an Union army was seen moving nearby where he was located. We will write a custom essay sample on The Killer Angels Book Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now When the spy told Longest that information, it seemed to shock him a little bit. In Longitude’s mind he believed that another general, General Stuart, was supposed to be tracking the Union army’s movement. Now that he has received this information, he thought that he should move the Confederate army north to cut off the Union army. While heading north, the Confederate’s come across a small town in Pennsylvania known as Gettysburg. While patrolling the town of Gettysburg on his horse, a Union general had noticed that the Confederate soldiers were close. The general who saw the confederate army, General Afford, was under the impression that the two armies would start to battle inside the town. So he set up to brigades along the hills outside of town. His way of thinking was that the higher ground the Union army was, the better it was to fight the Confederate army. He believed using the geography of the north was a good idea. I agree with his thinking because it is certainly an advantage when it comes to warfare. As General Afford is aging arrangements to make that happen, General Longest was meeting with other generals to discuss strategy and tactic. The book then turns to the date of July 1st. It starts as General Lee is waking up and discovering General Stuart absence from camp. Without the absent man, Lee had no idea where the Union army was located and that troubled him. Not knowing where the enemy was is never a good thing because you have no idea what your next plan or step would be. While at camp, he met with Longest. Longest was confident that the Confederates can use defensive tactics that has helped them in revises battles to help them win this one. He believes that the Confederacy would have a much better chance of winning because of their defensive skills that have proven to be top notch. General Lee refused Longitude’s way of thinking because he wanted to smash the Union army aggressively in one blow. The book then transitions to where the battle was beginning when the confederate soldiers attacked the men who were station amongst the hills due to Brood’s command. Reinforcements soon arrived to help out Brood’s men since they were getting killed. The reinforcement quad was led by General Reynolds whom was later killed in the battle. As Lee arrives to the battleground, the battle is in full swing. He is ordering his men to attack since some Union troops were coming from the South to help out. As the first day ends, Union forces retreated back into the hills to take cover and get some rest for the upcoming day when they would continue to battle. Longest becomes nervous because he knew that the hills were a good defensive position. He knew that they would have the advantage if they went to attack them within the hills. He was also ware that General Lee would attack them instead of retreating to another location and wait for them to attack. On the second day of the battle, Chamberlain is the one who makes the first move this time by moving toward Gettysburg once again. As they were walking, they discovered an escaped slave. This gets Chamberlain into thinking about the reasoning for this war that has caused so many causalities of fellow Americans and what he believed in about different races. While that was happening, two confederate generals were suggesting to lee that they should attack the opposing army to weaken it. Lee likes the plan, but Longest still wants to move to another location. Once again Lee had refused. As Lee and Longest lead the troops toward the hills, they discover that the army has come off of the hills and into the lowland where an orchard of some sort lied. They attack which causes a blood bath. Chamberlain and his men had to hold the ground against the Confederate attacks, but eventually they run out of bullets. They had followed by a motto to never retreat and fight while standing their ground. As day two came to an end, Lee decided on a Lana for the next day. As the final day approaches, Longest, for the final time, tries to convince Lee to move the army to another location, but Lee again refuses. Lee was determined to attack his enemy at this certain place. Longest had tried to convince him but he refused while launching an attack known as Picket’s charge. After the failure of Picket’s charge, the Confederates soon retreated, and the Battle of Gettysburg had finally come to an end. Personally, I believe Michael Sahara is the type of person who found this battle to be absolutely fascinating. I also believe that the author had done his research on the matter by using personal letters of these generals and other primary sources to help him write this book. This novel is an excellent example of a bloody battle fought on the US soil between the people of the US. To be honest, I really enjoyed this book. I like who the point of views changed to get the full coverage the battle and to have an insight on what was actually happening. I also happen to love learning about wars and the presidents so that helped a lot knowing some outside information. How to cite The Killer Angels Book Review, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Short Story Discovery Essay Example For Students

Short Story Discovery Essay It was a hot, dry day in the middle of a desert town in Iraq and Steve and his squad was on patrol through the town of Al Miqdadiyah, with his best mate Doug at his side he lead the patrol through the middle of town. â€Å"Hey did you hear that the enemy are making advancements towards us? † Doug asked nervously â€Å"I Don’t think this place will be safe for long† Steve chuckled â€Å"Relax its secure we’ll be fine, they haven’t been spotted within 50 km of this place† as almost as soon as the words left his mouth a bullet zipped past him and hit the Soldier behind him â€Å"OH S**T! , Duck in cover! they all dove for cover as bullets hailed down at them from the buildings ahead â€Å"did anyone count how many bogies!? † Steve screamed at his squad â€Å"No sir they pined us down to fast† a young private named Paul â€Å"ok. we need to get out of the kill zone, half of us give covering fire and the other spread out as far you can† They did as commanded and half of the patrol suppressed the enemy long enough for the rest to spread out and find cover inside adjacent buildings and behind broken walls or in ditches, â€Å"alright now the other give cove † Steve was cut off by Paul â€Å"RPG!! Steve turned to face the missile racing towards the cover they were in â€Å"RUN! † he screamed but it was too late the missile hit and exploded creating a cloud of debris and dust, Steve went to sit up and shoot’s of pain coming from his gut and chest. he was hit by shrapnel and was bleeding out, he looked around to see his squad and saw that all the Soldiers in the radius of the blast were dead, including Doug his best mate since primary school, and Paul a 18 yr old boy who he p romised he’d make sure he’d be going home to his family at the end of this mission. As Steve lay dying with his squad and Best mate a memory entered his mind, the first day he and Doug talked about military service 5 yrs ago when they were both 17. â€Å"Dude The army is going to be so mad† Doug cried out in joy as he and Steve were walking home one day â€Å"I know I’m going to be an officer† Steve replied, â€Å"and maybe I’ll be your COâ€Å"he added mockingly â€Å"HA yeah I wouldn’t trust you to lead me across the road let alone through a battlefield† Doug said with a laugh, then Steve spaced out and thought about that fact.. e was worried that he might not be a good CO and get his men killed, who all trusted him to lead them in and out of danger and through missions, and back home to their families but how could he know that he was going to make the right decision all the time, as this thought passed through his mind he Shuddered and shook off the worried thoughts about the great amount of responsibility he’ll have to face in the future, (he kept this worried thought with him for the rest of his life hich as you know is very short. ) he turned to face Doug and said â€Å"I promise to lead you to safety and victory on the battlefield† jokingly then suddenly It all faded and a beeping was heard Steve had woken up in a hospital.